Monday, October 18, 2010

Bad Poetry. . .

There once was a heard of ants
that crawled up my sisters pants
They filled them up
Like milk in a cup
And made them do a funny dance

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Direct Orders. .

Rock out like you just got your first kiss. Rock out like the kid you have been dying to talk to you asked you what you are dong Friday night. Rock out like you are a six year old kid being told your going to Disney Land.  Rock out like your favorite band is in town and you have backstage passes. Rock out like you just scored the winning basket for the state championship. rock out like your Mom told you to clean your room but your Dad said you didn't have to, so you didn't. Like you are walking down the stairs to see what Santa brought you. Rock out like you just got a brand new car. Rock out like you are stranded in a desert, dying of thirst when you crawl up the hill and there is drinking fountain waiting for you. Like you just over came your biggest fear and realized that it wasn't even that scary. Rock out like you stood up on the surf board. Like you out ran the boy on the football team. Rock out like you found a twenty dollar bill in your pocket. Like you got a huge tax return. Rock out like the Ice Cream Man is in your neighborhood and you chased him on your bike till he stopped. Like you received a 100% on a test you studied hard for. Rock out like your life depended on it. Like your in a dance competition with yourself, and you know you will win. Rock out like the world was ending tomorrow and you knew it and all your sins were repented for :)

Friday, October 1, 2010

Shake the Dust

This is for the nerd who walks alone. This is for the girl who didn't get asked to homecoming. For the football player who never sees the field. Shake the dust. This is for the wimpy kid  who always get picked last. For the team who finishes in second place, while the first place team celebrates in front of their faces. This is for the old man walking alone because his sweetheart passed on, and the tradition they had is lost. For the the never loved. This is for the girl who waits up all night for that phone call, because he said he would call, but he never did. Shake the dust. This is for the rich, the poor. For the man who missed his kids soccer game because he had to take a conference call. This is for the Mom who doesn't feel like she raised her kids right because they run off and do drugs and drink while she sits up crying asking God, what did I do wrong? This is for the Jocks. For the Cheerleaders. For those who think they are better then others. Shake the dust. For the one kid at school no one knows because he's new, and no one will take time out of their day to say hi, come eat lunch with me. Shake the dust. This is for the people who don't think life is important. For those who live day to day, instead of moment to moment. For those who believe that the most important things in life are things. When really, they are people. Shake the dust.
*Shake the dust means to forget about every negative thing in life. When life is being rough and tough, and you just want to give up, you think of the brighter side. There are better days to come. New people to meet, new places to see. Shake the dust means Enjoy the Moment. Enjoy the air you breath because you don't know if it is your last breath. Smile. There is never a reason why we shouldn't  smile. Shake the dust and enjoy life.